July 28th, 2024 12:34 pm

Busy Advocating and Making Art – My Life Management

By |2024-07-28T12:34:07+10:00July 28th, 2024|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Events, Learn, Living, Professional Resources|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Although pain management is the undercurrent of my life, it no longer rules my life activity. This is a tricky mind battle that underlies everything I do. [...]

May 1st, 2023 12:53 pm

My Health Story Friends, Your New Care Network

By |2023-05-01T12:53:10+10:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Help, My Health Story, Professional|Tags: , , |

Meet MHS Friend, Wise Psychology Over my 16-year period navigating this awful forest, I've met some pretty amazing people. I've also met many who have no idea about treating chronic health issues, and they will never become MHS Friends, I can tell you. I'm going to filter the good ones. And you are welcome to help me - pop me an email with your best! Or if you are a service or group and you think, 'hey that's me!' please also contact me or read more here. So let's start with mental health support you can receive via telehealth within a week. It's not uncommon for MHS subscribers to feel hesitant about either joining or discussing their health stories with a healthcare provider via MHS as the practitioner might not be keen on embracing new technology, or they say they ‘don’t have time’, or the patient is too intimidated even to ask. Well, MHS Friend, Wise Psychology, is not like that. In fact, they want to read about your lived experience and learn as much as possible before your appointment.

July 28th, 2022 2:47 pm

Talking Healthtech: Dr Valerio Vittone on Long COVID

By |2022-11-27T15:30:37+11:00July 28th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Learn, Professional Resources, The pain|Tags: , , , , |

Since investigating my DNA with Dr Valerio Vittone, I believe more that my health issue is not about chronic pain but rather about inflammation. I've reaped magnificent rewards since implementing recommended dietary [...]

February 2nd, 2022 10:13 am

And The Elephant in the Room is… Inflammation!

By |2023-02-17T10:32:00+11:00February 2nd, 2022|Categories: Blog, Help, Professional|Tags: , , , , |

'Pain is a unique experience' we've all heard it, and by now, most of us believe it. But, after viewing my personal genetic report, I'm now sure that pain is a unique experience.  Perhaps it's not even pain for some of us. It's not for me! This genetics investigation exposed the elephant standing by my side the last 15 years – actually, it's been with me all my life but it took an accident to begin its stampede! Official diagnosis – not pain; it's inflammation.  And it always has been! 

March 23rd, 2021 1:13 pm

On Neurostimulation

By |2023-02-17T10:32:00+11:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: About, My treatment|Tags: , , , , , |

Neurostimulation has been key in my management of pain. It's also satisfied my wish to find a way to be as self-sufficient with my management as I possibly can be. My first stim was a peripheral stimulation unit (leads under the skin) and that was implanted in 2011. I still have this unit as a backup. In 2015 I had a sacral stim implanted but that fizzed (in my opinion) within three years. So in 2019 I had the sacral stim removed and replaced with a spinal cord neurostim. WARNING: In the video, I talk about my experience and have a few Xrays pop up to demonstrate a little detail. If you're the squeamish type you may not want to see the images – they are small, however. Read key blogs about my stim implants experiences and adventures:

Pain management is unique to all of us and the key to navigating the complex journey (I believe) is gathering as much information as possible. I hope this vimeo is of great help.
December 2nd, 2020 12:42 pm

Dr Susie Gronski: She’s A Brilliant Resource For Males With Pelvic Pain

By |2020-12-02T12:42:49+11:00December 2nd, 2020|Categories: Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , , |

And ladies can also benefit as well! I’m signed up to Dr Susie’s news – highly recommend you do so also as she is a wealth of information. Although Dr Susie specialises [...]

October 2nd, 2020 3:50 pm

Curious about my Pain Specialist?

By |2020-10-02T15:50:57+10:00October 2nd, 2020|Categories: Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , |

When I started this website, my hope was to connect people living with pain with healthcare practitioners. At the time (2011), there was no online information or help for Pudendal Neuralgia and other such pelvic pain. I thought if I could provide the information in one place, it would help everyone connect and solve dreaded pain issues or at least speed up the diagnosis and treatment process. I didn't hope it would take nine years. Nine years...!!! But we have arrived and the point is that anyone can access this information session.

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