Soula Chats With Amy Eicher
Get the code to watchSign up (FREE) below or make any donation to support my advocacy and watch ALL my Vimeos.Lost your code? There's so much to learn in [...]
Get the code to watchSign up (FREE) below or make any donation to support my advocacy and watch ALL my Vimeos.Lost your code? There's so much to learn in [...]
Get the code to watch Sign up (FREE) below or make any donation to support my advocacy and watch ALL my Vimeos. Lost your code? I [...]
You have all heard so much about Theo and how we have (and continue) to work together through chronic pain. However, you have never really heard from Theo directly nor does [...]
Everything that chronic pain had undone in the first nine years of this 14-year nightmare, Theo and I have managed to finally mend. Stitch by stitch, we made a new house, founded a new livelihood, purchased a more comfy car, made new friends, welcomed a different breed of fur child and all of this in a new (unfamiliar) town. It's a rebirth! All of this, driven by the hunt for pain management after a ball pop, drop and a bang. Or was it...?
APR 10, 2021: Pain Toolkit workshop For people with long-term persisting pain by Pete Moore
In November this year, I was invited to present my pain experience to a group of 40 GP's. The topic was: An Approach to Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and the workshop was facilitated by Dr Paul Grinzi for Murray City Country Coast GP Training. Where does one start when asked to present to 40 pain interested GP's in 20 minutes? There's a great emoji to illustrate the look on my face when I ponder this question. You can well imagine. As an 'expert' in my 'field' 20 minutes to describe 13 years of living with chronic pain of which 4.5 years were spent lost in a forest is still a tough gig. However, this was a presentation to medical professionals. And they know everything, right? .... I've decided to make this video a paid resource. All proceeds go towards funding this website and PainTrain – My Health Summary. What do I talk about in my video? — O:43 My story — 2:50 Investigating pain, research & treatment — 4:26 Diagnosis — 5:55 Advocacy — 7:45 The experience of pain — 8:27 Medication — 9:35 Characteristics of Pain — 10:55 Planning life with chronic pain — 12:09 Pain management — 13:50 PainTrain
Aaahh, chronic pain! You bittersweet, endless orb of confusion! And this is why I say ‘good riddance and thank you’ to 2020 – the year of CV-19. From my very comfortable position [...]
And ladies can also benefit as well! I’m signed up to Dr Susie’s news – highly recommend you do so also as she is a wealth of information. Although Dr Susie specialises [...]
I've gotten up on my feet only to find myself back down again a few thousand times in the past 13 years. I use my personal chronic health issue to try and understand the management of COVID-19. As mentioned in a few COVID-19 related blogs, there are similarities with chronic illness in the way the virus attacks a human. Qualities like its invisibility, the way it can affect life, the way it has affected livelihoods and the ongoing power over humans are all mountains I've had to get over. And over... and over. And will have to continue to get over.
When I started this website, my hope was to connect people living with pain with healthcare practitioners. At the time (2011), there was no online information or help for Pudendal Neuralgia and other such pelvic pain. I thought if I could provide the information in one place, it would help everyone connect and solve dreaded pain issues or at least speed up the diagnosis and treatment process. I didn't hope it would take nine years. Nine years...!!! But we have arrived and the point is that anyone can access this information session.