My latest…2025-01-12T16:43:28+11:00

My latest…

October 31st, 202011:50 am

Just Another Freaky Boat Ride

By |October 31st, 2020|Categories: Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , , |0 Comments

In what's becoming a life trek in the aim of defining my ongoing pain issue, there's a pattern I'm beginning to see. Most often when I read educational material and it feels like it's beginning to gell with my experience, I feel a suction begins to the words. I'm drawn into the paragraphs of the researcher/s and excitement kicks in. 'I'm going to find the definition, this person is speaking my language!' It gets wilder and wilder – think Willy Wonka's crazy boat ride (below, but hold on to your pelvis!) and the findings and resources amount to great support material. I begin to believe – 'this is IT!' But Like Willy Wonka's crazy boat ride, somewhere along the way it gets freaky, the definition starts to go off my track and as I keep reading I'm feeling that I'm coming unstuck.

October 26th, 20203:19 pm

Forwards, Backwards or Somewhere In Between

By |October 26th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

I've gotten up on my feet only to find myself back down again a few thousand times in the past 13 years. I use my personal chronic health issue to try and understand the management of COVID-19. As mentioned in a few COVID-19 related blogs, there are similarities with chronic illness in the way the virus attacks a human. Qualities like its invisibility, the way it can affect life, the way it has affected livelihoods and the ongoing power over humans are all mountains I've had to get over. And over... and over. And will have to continue to get over.

October 2nd, 20203:50 pm

Curious about my Pain Specialist?

By |October 2nd, 2020|Categories: Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , |2 Comments

When I started this website, my hope was to connect people living with pain with healthcare practitioners. At the time (2011), there was no online information or help for Pudendal Neuralgia and other such pelvic pain. I thought if I could provide the information in one place, it would help everyone connect and solve dreaded pain issues or at least speed up the diagnosis and treatment process. I didn't hope it would take nine years. Nine years...!!! But we have arrived and the point is that anyone can access this information session.

September 21st, 20203:04 pm

Don’t Go There Soula

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: About, Blog, Living|Tags: , |3 Comments

I'm closing the door on the 'reasoning rooms' and I'm not going to investigate what might have caused a sudden flare. 'Soula, let's not go there. Don't enter that routine. Don't walk towards the dead end. Don't waste your time... again!' 'You've wasted years, Soula. Over a decade in fact thinking in rooms that provided no answers. They are mostly empty – blank walls, no windows, no air to breath!'

September 12th, 202012:02 pm

My Lyrica Closure

By |September 12th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , |8 Comments

Life's pace is vastly slower if you are living with chronic pain. Anticipated outcomes from things like new treatments, explanations about causes of pain, pain research, realisations about personal ideas relating to my own experience all take months, years and even over a decade to arrive. Yesterday was the day I finally received some closure about the wicked Lyrica. There's been a build-up of medication reporting this past year but none of it hit the spot like The Project's report. I love the reporting on this show – it's one of the few programs that brings me to the TV. While watching last night, I got that bullseye feeling: I'm not crazy! How often does a person living with pain come to this blissful realisation? Not often enough I can tell you.

September 6th, 202011:10 am

Life’s Changed

By |September 6th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Not knowing what's ahead is a familiar nightmare for people living with chronic illness and injured workers and their families. This lived experience has been misunderstood. This lack of empathy could not have been understood without the personal experience of something like COVID-19 – something impacting the world. Even Governments may just get a glimpse of looking down at their feet and feeling the ground below them is trembling. Being unable to make plans and left dangling, waiting to hear about a way forward – whether you can resume work or even have a job (or business) is excruciating. Add a long-term health issue to that equation and the world begins to fall in on you. You can't help but ask, 'will I get through this?'

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