My latest…
Ian Cleary Lightning Process: Take Your First Practical Step
I have posted much info [...]
My Health Story Now Live in Your App Store
I, Soula, the way I live and the type of person I am, and my story were fundamental to appointments and essential to my treatment. In addition, I realised my health experience was unique and needed to be understood. Professionals are understanding this a lot more now. On educational health networks, I see this 'tip' all the time now: People with invisible illnesses are more than their diseases And on professional forums, I read how lost practitioners are as to how to help people living with ongoing illnesses (which also explains why so many of us are enduring long-term illnesses!). So are you ready to navigate? Are you ready to put your unique experience forward and be better understood? Then, your story is the most essential part of this change. And if you need some guidance, I'm happy to zoom in if you need online training sessions, or you can email me a 'how do I...' question, and I'll film the answer for you.
Hello Happy Ears, Hello Better Night’s Sleep
Who would have thought it? But these wobbly, jelly-like [...]
Keeping up my Stamina
I was going to title this blog Fatigue, but after reviewing it repeatedly, I decided to title it Stamina instead. It took me years to get to 'managing'. Now I have transitioned to pacing. As stated in my previous post, I'm living now. I'm not in a passive state watching and being attacked by an unpleasant experience. It wasn't easy getting to the state of 'management'. There are so many 'have to' activities – we can't avoid these. When I explain my 'have to' activities such as showering, making a coffee, sitting/standing all day, dressing, etc., people look at me bewildered, but you'll get me. Until this fight is experienced, one can't understand that day-to-day activities can strip your energy and count as 'activity'. It feels insane when faced with this realisation. But I have found a way...
Report from ISO
Well, hello, COVID. After all the care, caution and staying in, Omicron finally caught us from no idea where. After all the fear of catching this virus, considering my Inflammasome gene and my chronic health issue, I'm happy to report that I breezed through it! I was abundant with the usual energy that comes to me when social obligation falls away. In addition, the pain levels fell away as they have done with previous colds – can the brain not manage two signals or is a virus some distraction? I went with it. I got stuck into my studio!
Soula Mantalvanos, Published Author of the Journal of Medical Internet Research
I'm an author of What Injured Workers With Complex Claims Look For in Online Communities: Netnographic Analysis, now published in one of the world's best medical journals.
My Health Story now LIVE
My Health Story is now live and has totally replaced PainTrain My Health Summary. My Health Story goes beyond helping people communicate their stories of living with chronic pain. It now presents a way for more individuals enduring chronic and complex health issues to communicate their health stories and manage their healthcare better. For healthcare practitioners, it presents an opportunity to diversify your care offering and influence positive behaviour in the overall patient journey. My Health Story takes a holistic view of each unique lived experience and understands that patients are more than their disease.
It’s my Birthday
I feel like switching the 'anniversary' thingy to a 'birthday.' I know it sounds oddly celebratory, but I also know that you have read stranger things on this website so remain unafraid to explore this latest idea with you.
CODA 2022: My Lived Experience and I Will Be There
I'm thrilled to be invited to another educational event IN REAL LIFE I might add. I really enjoy collaborating with Dr Paul Grinzi as a lot of his educational workshops have a great focus on communication. If people and their health teams can't connect then care isn't going to happen. So how do you reach, connect and help people who live with chronic pain? Come along and learn! PRIMARY AND ACUTE CARE Chronic persistent pain is a common clinical issue, and yet most of us have received very little training in how to best manage patients experiencing this. Not only do we have to manage the clinical and psychosocial issues presented by the patient, we have to recognise and manage our own biases as clinicians. The format for the workshop utilises patient experiences, clinical cases and new frameworks to help further our understanding of persistent pain and how to assist our patients. There is a specific focus on management within the community, but also opportunities to explore the challenges within the emergency and inpatient hospital interfaces. By the end of this half-day, you’ll have optimised your approach, and may find this topic a little less painful.
Mentorship Supported by the Australian Government Boosting Female Founders Initiative
Congratulate me! [...]
San Diego Pain Summit
Pain Management Conference The 9th Annual [...]
The Business of Advocacy
Over some years and after a third time being banned in some way or form from an official pain organisation's social media, I now feel encouraged to make a point - advocacy is not a business. I began this website to advocate for people living with chronic pain and share helpful resources to avoid the impact of misdiagnosis on their lives. I aimed and achieved gratitude on a global scale, which has fed me. I also started this website to connect people living with chronic pain to professionals who understood them very well and could possibly treat them. I've asked none of these amazing professionals to pay me to be included on this website – we're all working for the same cause, right? This was never intended to be a business. What I'm seeking is more respect and understanding for the voluntary position of the advocate. So let's pull the bandaid off and frankly define it: Advocacy is costly and time-consuming. It earns us no income; it causes pain and uses a significant portion of the little and precious uptime we get and, advocates are also much greater than their cause. I repeat; advocacy is no business.