My latest…2025-01-12T16:43:28+11:00

My latest…

January 24th, 20123:51 am

How do I do it?

By |January 24th, 2012|Categories: About, Learn, Living, Personal resources, Tips|Tags: , , |3 Comments

Absolutely nothing great about having to live by these rules but it certainly saves me alot of extra pain, I have more up time and, above all, I decided this is just temporary. I'll do what it takes to get by most comfortably (if I can dare to use such a word for a chronic pain site!): •I understand that everything I do counts, even a sneeze (ok they count alot!) so I make sure I pick and choose what I do •I learned and practice the word pace •I'm more selfish •I say "I can't" and recently I've even stopped apologising because "I can't"! •I let go of obligation (actually I need to work on that one) •Keep any visit short, close, soft (not too many parties unless you can walk away) •I email my WorkSafe case manager to eliminate hearing all unnecessary hogwash •I have a daybed and made a 'dayspace' no where near a television or my bedroom •I have a dog, he's one of my biggest aids

January 23rd, 20129:07 pm

My family, Theo, Origin of Image and Zephyr

By |January 23rd, 2012|Categories: About, Creativity, Living, The pain|Tags: , , |1 Comment

There isn't one single reason I can give for 'coping', I think a few things play a role. The biggest of all, I believe is my own brain's chemistry and built in ability, something I don't believe I have control over and was born with (and how greatful I am for this ultimate survival gift!), but coming in second, or even on par, is my husbandly support, Theo. I don't know what I would have done if Theo hadn't understood my pain and my eratic injury and hadn't supported me 200%. Seriously there were days I thought I was crazy...

January 21st, 20127:09 am

‘Chronic Pain Disorder’ medical panel opinion?

By |January 21st, 2012|Categories: Workcover|Tags: , , |8 Comments

What does it mean? From what I've gathered it basically means big general pain bucket and, its time to update the Wrongs Act 1958. And I'm stating very obvious information here because our Government has missed a very small detail... its 2012!!! ...Hello, anyone out there? If you are, it's time to update the Wrongs Act of 1958. Injured workers have injuries that can be addressed more appropriately, giving them a greater chance of getting back to work and lessening instances of permanent damage if the practitioners in the system can identify and use current information. (Or are you waiting for the 50 year anniversary?!!!)

January 17th, 20122:40 am

Chronic Pelvic Pain Clinic at the Women’s

By |January 17th, 2012|Categories: Help, Professional|Tags: |2 Comments

The clinic offers an alternative approach for women who have tried other treatment options but still have a high level of pain. The staff in the clinic come from a range of health professions. Together we will work with you to explore the range of possible causes for your pain and to offer ways to treat or to help you manage your pain. There is good evidence to suggest that this approach to chronic pain is beneficial. Our aim is to work with you to increase your quality of life.

December 21st, 201110:40 am

The Brain That Changes Itself

By |December 21st, 2011|Categories: Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , , , |10 Comments

..The result is this book, a riveting collection of case histories detailing the astonishing progress of people whose conditions had long been dismissed as hopeless. We see a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, a woman labeled retarded who cured her deficits with brain exercises and now cures those of others, blind people learning to see, learning disorders cured, IQs raised, aging brains rejuvenated, painful phantom limbs erased,

December 20th, 201111:09 am

Just a little paperwork!

By |December 20th, 2011|Categories: Workcover|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Quite a pile hey? I'm impressed myself, it's alot of documentation! In actual fact my husband has to pull these out when we need some 'reference' because they're so heavy. And there's so much more correspondence that I've received via email too, haven't printed that off! One day I'm going to make a great, big collage out of this pile (Eureka!). Thought about the bonfire but doesn't work in this case. It's something that needs to be seen to be believed. To be honest I look at it and admire my survival tactics.

December 20th, 201110:02 am

Pain score

By |December 20th, 2011|Categories: Blog, Learn, Living, Personal resources|Tags: , |4 Comments

...I developed my own pain score which I'm sure when read by anyone without neuropathic pain, will be enough to convince them I'm mad and in fact I must have fallen on my head not my backside. But this site isn't for those people, (go off and play... you don't need to be here and good luck to you).

December 15th, 20117:08 am

My pre pain life…

By |December 15th, 2011|Categories: About, Creativity, Living, The pain|Tags: , |4 Comments

I was active, I had capacity, boundless energy to execute my creative thoughts (and meet the expectations of a full social calendar!). I worked veeeeery long and wonderful days, I walked everywhere, lunching, dining, starting every day at a local cafe, picking up art materials, walking the dog, running the dog, to Carlton, the city, Fitzroy, I skipped through the streets of the great arrondissements of Paris when on annual holidays, and swore by my four day a week yoga routine that unravelled my body and had me feeling like Gumby warm to the ends of my extremities... There was no 'tired', 'sore', 'fatigued', 'have to rest', there was no 'pain'. Like I said, it was bliss.

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