My latest…2025-01-12T16:43:28+11:00

My latest…

April 20th, 20123:01 pm

The Pudendal Neuralgia Masters and Their Support for my Website

By |April 20th, 2012|Categories: Help, Professional|Tags: , |3 Comments

I can't adequately define the moment I was diagnosed, it's just too difficult to explain the 4.5 year scattered hunt that ended with a few seconds and just two words! Empathy and understanding however, are two words that do explain what I felt when seeking approval to use the research and names of the Pudendal Neuralgia Masters (as I like to call these specialists). Honestly, if words, thoughts and care from complete strangers could heal me I would have been healed twice over by now. These Masters really touched my heart (unfortunately not my stubborn pudendal nerve, but all in good time!). I wanted to share these comments, especially for anyone suffering with Pudendal Neuralgia as I feel its important that we all know who these incredible human beings are and that they are endlessly working towards our cure and international awareness every day. The other important thing is to know where they are.

April 11th, 20124:35 pm

Exercising the Brain

By |April 11th, 2012|Categories: Learn, Personal resources|Tags: , |1 Comment

...I feel I'm exercising my brain when I read an article that sparks more thought and leads me on a hunt for more and more information and the process all results in gold! It might not necessarily be what I was looking for but a lovely surprise nevertheless... It made me think about another possible cure for my issue (I know, very far-fetched but imagine if my brain could be programmed to make me live/dream all the activities my pudendal nerve won't let me do by night?! Imagine?!). So I went to my favorite, most trusting online resource, no, not Google, Body In Mind...

April 10th, 20128:20 pm

Case Management Society of Australia… are WorkSafe Agents complying?

By |April 10th, 2012|Categories: Workcover|Tags: , , |2 Comments

What would injured Australian workers do without the wonderful WorkCoverVictim'sDiary website, who alerted me to the Case Management Society of Australia(amongst some other goodies like 'the Deed' between WorkCover and all the Suppliers of delivery of the System!!! and The Ombudsman's report that shows the many breaches... hello, hello!)... One 'ethical' point:

  • The Case Manager will consider the best interests of the client as paramount at all times
In this point, is the 'client' the injured worker or WorkSafe? From my experience, it's clearly WorkSafe and when it comes to this ethical standard, my case managers are right on the money! No treatment for me, more dollars for WorkSafe...
March 23rd, 20126:31 am

Thanks Erin Brockovich for supporting injured workers

By |March 23rd, 2012|Categories: The pain|Tags: , |0 Comments

It's starting to happen, there's a little stir... injured workers are speaking up. And they're getting noticed. Thank you to the brilliant WorkCoverVictim (and my cyber friend - well how else to injured workers meet!?), and your team for supporting injured workers through your brilliant website. You deserve your visit from THE Erin Brockovich... Erin Brockovich, you revived some injured workers today. THANK YOU.

March 21st, 201210:52 am

Flare up

By |March 21st, 2012|Categories: About, Living, The pain|Tags: , |9 Comments

I have nothing nice to say about a flare up. It's nothing but my injury's hissy fit and a brutal check point that tells me I'm not my old self yet. But since I like to keep a positive outlook and focus on the good things, I will say that coming out of a flare up feels incredible. I feel I could fly, my brain gears up again...

March 7th, 201211:58 pm

Published and about to be heard!

By |March 7th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Creativity, Online, Workcover|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Thank you Graphis, The International Journal of Visual Communication, for publishing my political poster.

Australia's WorkSafe system needs a serious update for the sake of Employers, Workers and Tax Payers. I'm hoping to get enough views to be published in the Graphis Annual and send a personally signed copy to our WorkSafe Minister.
March 5th, 20126:50 am

Five years on…

By |March 5th, 2012|Categories: About, Living|Tags: , |0 Comments

  • It took five years for Facebook to make a dime and it took five years to reach seven hundred million worldwide users.
  • It would take 5.4 years at Mach 1 (0.34 km/sec) to get to Mars from Earth
  • Willow the cat went missing in Colorado during a house renovation. Five years later, miraculously, the feline was picked up stalking the pavement in Manhattan in New York City and is being reunited with his owners 1800 miles away.
But my point, folks, is that it's taken 5 years to find and shut my pudendal nerve up...
February 28th, 20123:19 am

Victorian Government: Don’t raid WorkSafe’s surplus

By |February 28th, 2012|Categories: Workcover|Tags: , |0 Comments

The WorkSafe surplus is under threat from the Victorian Government. Premier Ted Baillieu wants to rip out $471.5 million over four years from the WorkCover Authority, known as WorkSafe, so he can balance the State Budget... Maurice Blackburn has been looking out for the best interests of injured workers for more than 90 years. We’ve started this petition to send a strong message to the Victorian Government: don’t raid the WorkSafe surplus... I signed it: "I can't believe Ted Baillieu found one more way to make the system worse than it already is! How about 'ripping' out shonky investigations and shonky Independent Medical Examiners, you'd gain more than 471.5 million!"

January 31st, 201210:04 pm

Chronic Pain Australia

By |January 31st, 2012|Categories: Help, Learn, Professional, Professional Resources|Tags: |3 Comments

We are dedicated to reducing the social and other barriers to living with chronic pain.We are a group of people who are tired of the way things are for people in pain. You may be feeling quite isolated and 'over it' and feel that no one really understands your experience. You might even feel that people don't believe you. Many people tell us about these experiences. Don't despair, you aren't crazy! And you aren't on your own either. Over the years many volunteers have strengthened us so that we can work towards greater community understanding about chronic pain...

January 29th, 20125:31 am

Where do case managers go?

By |January 29th, 2012|Categories: Funnies, Workcover|1 Comment

Considering the incensitivity, lack of understanding and respect, ignorance, judgemental chatter, poor support, endless pathetic excuses etc etc etc that I've had from my WorkSafe Agent's Case Managers, and I've had troves come and go in five years (some gone before they even appear!!!!), I feel I deserve to have a little fun on the back's of the poorest, which is all but two of them.

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