July 24th, 2023 10:33 am

It’s National Pain Week And I’m Celebrating by Writing the End of this Story

By |2023-07-24T10:35:43+10:00July 24th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Online|Tags: , , |

Every year I think something amazing will happen during National Pain Week. But every year, nothing amazing ever does. We all wait for answers, but either the answers don't come, or they prove more tiresome. Worst of all, the answers are a direction to a lonely zone – the figure-it-out-yourself zone! So, figure it out myself; I will this year! I'm making National Pain Week AMAZING by writing the end of this story. 

July 20th, 2023 3:03 pm

Let’s Be Brave Together

By |2023-07-20T15:03:14+10:00July 20th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

A few months ago and just appointed as CEO of Painaustralia, I was chatting to Giulia, who was making time to connect with people living with pain; our next step would be an interview for some media. Instead, I received an awful message.  Giulia is a tough cookie, just watch our chat and feel that fire in her! And she'll be using that fire to put this awful experience to great use - raising funds for So Brave and Painaustralia as she shaves her hair on 31 July. I want us all to get behind her. It's an opportunity to maximise this incredible act of bravery and help two causes that cause such grief in life; Cancer and chronic pain. All funds raised will go to So Brave breast cancer charity and Painaustralia, the peak body representing those in chronic pain - we'll be helping a considerable group of people with one donation.

July 2nd, 2023 1:48 pm

More and More Fab Women Founders, More and MoreGoodDays

By |2023-07-02T13:55:11+10:00July 2nd, 2023|Categories: Blog, Help, Professional|Tags: , , , , |

Woohooo! The startup world is beginning to thrive with people who want to impact healthcare using their negative experiences. These people want to help others, change the quality of care and make sure you get better faster. One of these great people is Neala Fulia, and I am excited to have the chance to introduce More Good Days (MGD), a new online digital healthcare company Neala founded dedicated to helping individuals find relief from chronic pain - specifically fibromyalgia. I'm also excited that MGD has become a Friend of My Health Story (MHS), which signifies a shared commitment to improving the quality of care for all of us.  It's what we all deserve and what has been so slow in coming.

May 1st, 2023 12:53 pm

My Health Story Friends, Your New Care Network

By |2023-05-01T12:53:10+10:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Help, My Health Story, Professional|Tags: , , |

Meet MHS Friend, Wise Psychology Over my 16-year period navigating this awful forest, I've met some pretty amazing people. I've also met many who have no idea about treating chronic health issues, and they will never become MHS Friends, I can tell you. I'm going to filter the good ones. And you are welcome to help me - pop me an email with your best! Or if you are a service or group and you think, 'hey that's me!' please also contact me or read more here. So let's start with mental health support you can receive via telehealth within a week. It's not uncommon for MHS subscribers to feel hesitant about either joining or discussing their health stories with a healthcare provider via MHS as the practitioner might not be keen on embracing new technology, or they say they ‘don’t have time’, or the patient is too intimidated even to ask. Well, MHS Friend, Wise Psychology, is not like that. In fact, they want to read about your lived experience and learn as much as possible before your appointment.

April 12th, 2023 11:33 am

PainAustralia Survey Report: Impact of opioid regulatory reforms on people living with chronic pain

By |2023-04-12T11:33:10+10:00April 12th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , , , , |

When will patients be understood and listened to?! It’s obviously necessary to have a peak body addressing the needs of the pain community. Still, the frustration of [...]

April 8th, 2023 1:45 pm

My recent chat with PainAustralia’s new CEO, Giulia Jones – Giulia has quite the agenda!

By |2023-04-09T11:14:47+10:00April 8th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Online|Tags: , |

Making the invisible visible You'll hear this wonderful reference in my chat with Giulia – to make what is invisible visible is one of her four goals while in the position of CEO at PainAustralia.  I found Giulia incredibly down-to-earth and easy to connect with. Of course, with six children, you instantly know she understands pain (and is highly able!!), but her admission that she had never thought of the pain she experienced as chronic really struck me. 

March 27th, 2023 12:22 pm

Feedspot Top Blog: No 6 of 70 Pain Management Blogs and Websites

By |2023-03-27T12:23:10+11:00March 27th, 2023|Categories: Blog|

I'm a top blogger in this day and age of youthful influencers! And I'm also really proud to be a representative of the lived experience among a stream of companies and services listed on FeedSpot's 70 Best Pain Management Blogs and Websites. And, I'm the only Australian-listed blog in the top 40. Rated number six and facing the world with a profile image among business logos, I feel quite chuffed about this achievement. 

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