Catharsis With Frida Continues
Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) has one of the best gallery gift shops. I saw this fantastic jigsaw puzzle of Friday Kahlo in [...]
Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) has one of the best gallery gift shops. I saw this fantastic jigsaw puzzle of Friday Kahlo in [...]
I assumed the pain ‘industry’ was still learning about the management and treatment of chronic pain and that’s why communication was so poor. I assumed it wasn’t like that for other severe [...]
I’ve been waiting a while before writing about the current state of the world and its effect on me, my life and the chronic pain. I’ve been feeling quite confident with a [...]
I’m sure you’ll all agree my advocacy for chronic pain has been extensive in my 13-year lived experience. I’ve learned a lot about who to trust, who I should collaborate with and [...]
That was my endnote for 2019. As life evolves within my 3km radius, I find myself looking back less and less and looking forward more and more. Bitter, defines the heartache of not being able to see loved ones as often and the missing perks of our previous city life. Sweet, is being defined by new friends, the gallery, our new home and the sea that surrounds us. As for confused, another year has passed and I still don't feel anyone can quite define what's going on with my body. Does it matter heading into a new year?
I have arrived! I have lived half a century. I somehow made it through the horrid decade of my 40’s. I made it through the dark forest of chronic pain. Goodness people [...]
Being resourceful is what makes the difference — it is so hard working life out. But Theo and do it. We burrow down and we make it happen. There's no choice... or rather there was but I didn't want a fulltime WorkSafe paycheck. Of course, I think about that. And of course, I often call myself stupid for declining it – I was safe! I had that full-time paycheck for the rest of my life. But creativity and sharing the day with Theo is so precious to both of us. Even with the complexities and risks, it appears to be the only way Theo and I can live. For this, I am grateful! So I'll stop complaining now and go on with what I've been doing and what I am achieving. It's all good! I'm moving. Life is in forward motion after being so still for so long – a decade at least!
It's an act of forwards and backwards, sideways and a lot of down ways. It's really hard work. The less it yells, the better I feel and only then can I do more and pace up. The more I poke it, the worse it gets. The worse it gets, the deeper into the hole I go and further away from coming back out! I don't just pay with pain, I pay with time – lifetime!
(Excerpt from Neos Kosmos feature story, Chronic pain: the treacherous disease that steals the lives of thousands, MAΡΙΑ ΚΑΜΠΥΛH 25 September 2019) Η συγκλονιστική συνέντευξη – κατάθεση ψυχής της ομογενούς Σούλας Μανταλβάνου, που [...]
MEDIA RELEASE 17 June 2019 At last – A national plan for better pain management Painaustralia has today launched the new National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management. Millions of Australians live [...]