March 20th, 2024 5:59 pm

Aussies Turn To Online Advice To Try And Get Off Their Antidepressant Medication

By |2024-03-20T17:59:53+11:00March 20th, 2024|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , |

I really can’t believe this story. Stories like this one leave me feeling healthcare is still so miserably failing people. Our voices are not being heard. I [...]

March 7th, 2023 6:07 am

Soula Mantalvanos in Times News Group’s Women in Business International Women’s Day 2023 Edition

By |2023-03-06T20:09:22+11:00March 7th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Help, My Health Story, News, Online|Tags: , , , , |

(Image: Soula Mantalvanos, founder My Health Story features in Women in Business, Bellarine Times International Women’s Day special edition 2023) Feature, Women in Business, Bellarine Times International [...]

July 26th, 2020 11:55 am

Four Corners Examines Insurers Contracted to run Australia’s Largest Workers Compensation Schemes

By |2023-01-24T16:12:26+11:00July 26th, 2020|Categories: News, Workcover|Tags: , , , |

Four Corners Be sure to watch and share the program. (Excerpt from Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020, 6:06pm) “Immoral and unethical”: The financial scandal and human cost of Australia’s failing workers [...]

February 1st, 2020 2:22 pm

Buy a Leunig – I’m Donating Profits to Pain Revolution

By |2020-02-02T11:32:57+11:00February 1st, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Events, Learn, News, Professional Resources|Tags: , , , , , |

I’m sure you’ll all agree my advocacy for chronic pain has been extensive in my 13-year lived experience. I’ve learned a lot about who to trust, who I should collaborate with and [...]

July 5th, 2018 9:54 am

Royal Australian College of GP’s news – I’m in it!

By |2018-07-05T09:54:04+10:00July 5th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Events, News, Online|Tags: , , |

I’m an event in the spotlight. GP’s, I hope to see you there! (Article from RACGP June newsletter) Events in the spotlight GPADD18 Conference: Saturday and Sunday 4–5 August 2018 The RACGP Victoria [...]

April 23rd, 2017 12:20 pm

Dr Susie Gronski: How One Artist Used Her Hurting Strings To Stitch Back Her Life

By |2017-04-23T12:20:04+10:00April 23rd, 2017|Categories: Advocacy, Blog, News, Online|Tags: , , |

I can't recommend Dr Susie highly enough. I wish I had online physical therapy advice when I felt lost, unable to commute and in need of someone who could understand my pain [...]

May 31st, 2013 3:17 pm

The Scheme Project

By |2023-01-24T16:12:33+11:00May 31st, 2013|Categories: Advocacy, News, Workcover|Tags: , , , , , |

You can all imagine why The Scheme Project caught my attention and you can all understand why my pledge was not only made in seconds it was supported (and increased) by my husband Theo who equally saw the benefits in Kris's project. As frustrating as it is being left without any income and medical support after my workplace accident and having my fair share of rants to expose, I actually appreciated Kris's professional approach to his project and his intent to make the documentary up front but not personal. He's not looking for tantrums, witch hunts, singling out of fraudsters and unethical behaviour but rather aiming at exposing the realities in hope of making a change. At the end of our conversation we both agreed that life's great knowledge of 'health first' doesn't seem to be part of WorkCover's culture. The support just isn't there, not in treatment, not in standards, not financially and certainly not in return to work. What does Kris need? Your signatures and your pledge (pledges are not collected unless Kris reaches his target). 'You' may be an injured worker, family member of an injured worker or employer, a treating practitioner, medical examiner, conciliator, lawyer, investigator, WorkSafe agent staff member, Minister, anyone associated with the WorkCover system in fact any worker or employer, we all deserve better quality protection.

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