September 21st, 2020 3:04 pm

Don’t Go There Soula

By |2020-09-21T15:05:52+10:00September 21st, 2020|Categories: About, Blog, Living|Tags: , |

I'm closing the door on the 'reasoning rooms' and I'm not going to investigate what might have caused a sudden flare. 'Soula, let's not go there. Don't enter that routine. Don't walk towards the dead end. Don't waste your time... again!' 'You've wasted years, Soula. Over a decade in fact thinking in rooms that provided no answers. They are mostly empty – blank walls, no windows, no air to breath!'

September 6th, 2020 11:10 am

Life’s Changed

By |2022-09-06T11:42:36+10:00September 6th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Not knowing what's ahead is a familiar nightmare for people living with chronic illness and injured workers and their families. This lived experience has been misunderstood. This lack of empathy could not have been understood without the personal experience of something like COVID-19 – something impacting the world. Even Governments may just get a glimpse of looking down at their feet and feeling the ground below them is trembling. Being unable to make plans and left dangling, waiting to hear about a way forward – whether you can resume work or even have a job (or business) is excruciating. Add a long-term health issue to that equation and the world begins to fall in on you. You can't help but ask, 'will I get through this?'

October 6th, 2019 1:11 pm

It’s Been a While… So How am I?

By |2022-11-26T20:58:49+11:00October 6th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Living|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Being resourceful is what makes the difference — it is so hard working life out. But Theo and do it. We burrow down and we make it happen. There's no choice... or rather there was but I didn't want a fulltime WorkSafe paycheck. Of course, I think about that. And of course, I often call myself stupid for declining it – I was safe! I had that full-time paycheck for the rest of my life. But creativity and sharing the day with Theo is so precious to both of us. Even with the complexities and risks, it appears to be the only way Theo and I can live. For this, I am grateful! So I'll stop complaining now and go on with what I've been doing and what I am achieving. It's all good! I'm moving. Life is in forward motion after being so still for so long – a decade at least!

June 10th, 2013 10:35 am

Sharing Barry’s experience with Male Pudendal Neuralgia

By |2021-04-25T09:58:09+10:00June 10th, 2013|Categories: About, Learn, Personal resources, Pudendal Neuralgia|Tags: , , , |

I've lived here in Delaware since December 2011 and have not had a block since. I already had 6 Pudendal Nerve blocks and this after so many other procedures:
 5 Ganglion Blocks, 6 Caudal Blocks, 2 Botox injections, 2 Radio Frequency Ablations, 2 Neurostimulator Trials, an Interstim Impant, and then the 6 Pudendal Nerve blocks. Endless research and finally putting the right two words together on Google, opened up the world of Pudendal Neuralgia (Neuropathy) to us. That was near the end of December 2010. On the day after New Years and in response to two letters I sent to two Dr's names I had found, I got calls from both Dr’s the same day.

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