To block or not to block…
.... As documented many times with this condition, treatment isn't just about relief, it also provides more detail about the issue and this becomes a guide for the next step. It's like taking mini steps of progress and it really feels fabulous, I feel as though I gain some control, I foresee future options and ultimately, I regain some hope. Without this I'm travelling blindly.... I began to really struggle 12 weeks after the first block and even during that time I had a few flare ups. I wondered if my implant perhaps had interfered with my nerve block as it's known to cause pain if you keep it on whilst the pain is at a low-level (yes, try to figure that one out!!) By the time I realised my nerve block was well and truly wearing off I was at the 14 week mark, and having been very excited with what relief I had, Theo and I booked a holiday to Italy. Thankfully the brilliant Dr Courtney was able to fit me in for another nerve block at the 19 week mark which was exactly two weeks before travel time. Why am I mentioning the holiday? Because I believe a nerve block needs support, it needed me to get out of the pain routine and team it up with as much distraction as possible... I felt my brain would freshen up, have a new shot at life and not have to face my day bed, aids, daily pain routine etc etc. I set off to live a dream in hope distraction would bring a positive change and another step forward...