I’ve made some great friends in cyberspace throughout this PN pain journey (and developed quite a library along the way!). One friend I consider a favourite is John Quintner. He’s one of my most reliable sources when I need an honest opinion. We bump into each other over two main mutual ‘interests’: the (primitive) WorkCover assessment methods, and pain definitions. John doesn’t just know what he’s talking about, he’s upfront, honest and calls it how he sees it. And when someone has these credentials, I’m all ears, not to mention I become much wiser!
John doesn’t have a website but he’s on facebook and you can find him around the social media pain traps. His publications and efforts within the pain world have been aplenty and although all of the following info isn’t specifically related to PN or PNE, I felt it was very relevant for readers. And yes, you do recall correctly that I had published, John Quintner’s Personal injury compensation: lessons from Talmudic law on my website a while back.
So without further ado, I present my friend, the great John Quintner and his incredible opinions:
John’s interest in pain was aroused in the mid-1980s when he had to try to make sense of what was then known as “RSI”. In collaboration with the late Robert Elvey, physiotherapist, he published a hypothesis, which has stood the test of time. He also published his work on “whiplash”. Since then, together with fellow rheumatologist Professor Milton Cohen, he has published extensively in the field of Pain Medicine. They have tackled such controversial topics as Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, as well as exploring the concepts of stigma, stereotyping and empathy in the context of chronic pain patients. Together with Dr Pamela Lyon, they have published a comprehensive hypothesis for Chronic Widespread Pain (Fibromyalgia). Their most recent paper addresses the question “Is Chronic Pain a Disease?”.
John’s publications:
An Evol Stress-Response Hypothesis for CWP. pdf
A book chapter from At the Edge of being: The Aporia of Pain. Published in 2012 by Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford. Editors: Heather McKenzie, John Quintner, Gillian Bendelow.pdf
Clinician Discourse with Persistent Pain Sufferers
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain: A Misnomer
A Consumers’ Guide to Brain Imagine in Pain States (By Asaf Weisman (Klaf) & John Quintner)
Consumers in remote areas pdf
A critical evaluation of the trigger point phenomenon pdf
Do we Mean to Ignore Meaning in Pain? (Simon van Rysewyk, Melanie Galbraith, John Quintner, Milton Cohen) pdf
Drugs for Fibromyalgia: How Good Are They? National Pain Report website.
Evolution, Stress and Fibromyalgia pdf
Fibromyalgia falls foul of a fallacy pdf
Fibromyalgia Syndrome- a problem of tautology pdf
From Neuralgia to Peripheral Neuropathic Pain pdf
Intersubjectivity in Clinical Encounters (John Quintner,Melanie Galbraith, Horst Ruthrof, FICI, FAHA)
Is chronic pain a disease? pdf
journal.pone pdf
La Doulou Provencal Word For Pain by John Quintner & Melanie Galbraith
Maldynia as moral judgment pdf
Painful cervical radiculopathy pdf
Pain Med Models pdf
Philosophy of pain- Reply to Dr. John Quintner
Preclinic group education pdf
Reconsidering the International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain
Referred pain of peripheral nerve origin pdf
Reflections About Pain
Signification & Pain pdf
Stretch-induced cervicobrachial pain syndrome pdf
System plasticity and integrated care pdf
The Australian RSI debate- stereotyping and medicine pdf
The Challenge of Validating the Experience of Chronic Pain pdf
The Great Trade-off in Workers’ Compensation: Perceptions of Injustice by Those Experiencing Persistent Pain
The horse is dead pdf
The RSI syndrome in historical perspective pdf
This Train is Bound for… Wholeville: A Travel Guide for the Perplexed pdf
Whiplash study pdf
Why are assumptions passed off as established knowledge?
Why Are Women with Fibromyalgia so Stigmatized? (2020)
Soula I have to ask what is that number 3: on Johns sleeve of his shirt.
I have asked on our LinkedIN forum, let’s see what John comes back with. Thanks for the great comments and compliments Mark. I hope you’re having a brilliant day today.
I concur- John Quintner is one amazing guy! I have the honour to know him personally by working on committees with him but he has such a passion for sharing his extensive knowledge of pain medicine and genuinely likes to help people. You HAVE to come to Perth Soula so you can meet both of us in person- imagine the lunch conversation! We could talk for hours the 3 of us!
But you and John need to be applauded together for your ability to share and care for people in pain- and for trying to change things like workcover -so the next person gets treated differently and more favourably. You are both my ‘heroes’ xx
You’re so gorgeous. I know I’ve said that but I’m going to keep saying it Vanessa. You made me want to book a flight despite the tricky day I’ve had. I don’t think you should make us such a duo, you’re right here with us. We’re a trio I’d prefer to say.
One day we will be having that lunch… and it’s going to be so great. I can’t wait. xxx
Soula I have to ask what is that number 3: on Johns sleeve of his shirt.