Wisdom, experience and compassion are all qualities to describe Dr E. Just wait ’til you hear him speak!

This extraordinary gentle human has had a very long professional career with the pelvis! Beginning his medical career as an obstetrician and gynecologist in the 50’s he found himself asking a lot of questions specifically about how women were expected to manage trauma relating to birth/pregnancy.

Dr E has helped bring thousands of little humans into the world, moving into pain management around the time when those little humans began making their own little humans.

He has helped both females and males with treatment and diagnosis while staying at the forefront of education. Dr E mentors other healthcare professionals in his mission to help as many people living with chronic pelvic pain as possible and he is a huge support to advocates (I can vouch for that!).

Dr E is a member of the International Pelvic Pain Society and International Association for the Study of Pain, he has co-authored Secret Suffering: How Women’s Sexual and Pelvic Pain Affects Their Relationships and co-produced Healing the Pain Down There: A Guide for Females with Persistent Genital & Sexual Pain and he is, of course, the founder of TheEchenbergInstitute.com. where you will find some wonderful resources and connect with Dr E if you wish.

It is such a pleasure to bring this chat to you and I make no apology for not being able to cut down the Vimeo from its 1hr, 10-minute length!

In this Vimeo, Dr E and I talk about:

5:45 Life cycle feelings
7:10 The whole person
10:53 Pelvic progress
12:54 Chronic Pain
16:13 Long appointments = Listening & believing
19:51 Lost in translation
21:41 Instinct & connection
23:55 The treatment highway
25:40 Online answers
27:50 Dr E explains the chronic signals
34:42 Gridlock
36:04 Release / reboot the research
37:12 Treatment impact
40:00 Treatment weekend away
41:52 It’s in your head …nothing we can do for you
43:09 Centers of excellence
45:21 Dr E treatment scenario
50:02 The busy pelvic space
51:39 A pelvic pain report – we all need one
53:53 Male pelvic pain
56:45 Preventing chronic pain
59:22 Proof is in the pelvis
01:10:09 Getting help now
01:05:56 Dr E & Soula study
01:07:15 Explaining PainTrain
01:10:09 Gratitude

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