A most essential chat – person (living with pain)-to-person (living with pain).

As well as having a lived experience of pain in common, Deb and I also share a love for communication – Deb via media studies (film, video, etc) and myself through art and design.

For two people with a great understanding of communication, our experiences navigating the chronic pain journey have been different. Having said that, the frustrations have been oh so similar!

All of it is ground level information of what it’s like to work through diagnosis, a life-changing situation and coming out the other side.

Deb also shares her excellent resources – some previously shared on the website but some local to her New Zealand network and they are brilliant!

In my chat with Deb we cover:

00:17 About Deb
1:38 People pleasing
3:45 The unknown
5:28 Work status change
5:43 Livelihood & life change
11:15 A new Approach
13:03 Communicating Pain
23:00 Hero speak
23:15 Keys in communicating pain?
24:26 Mutual Understanding
25:36 Partners
28:27 Ideas beyond pain
31:04 Pain Management
44:03 Bravery
45:00 Vulnerability
49:52 The Life Lesson
53:15 ‘Work’
54:19 Advocacy

Deb’s References:

  • Melissa vs Fibro – masses of good stuff here – and accessible yoga on Youtube – Yoga for Fibromyalgia 
  • A really good course on Insight timer called Methods for Living With Pain and Illness – by Vidyamala Burch (former NZer living in London). It takes you through different strategies.
  • Fibromyalgia Podcast by Tami Stackelhouse (look back through the episodes – lots for persistent pain in general and 2 really good episodes on looking back at last year and planning for success in this year – Episode 52 & 53 – really made me look at what I’m doing to manage my pain and what I’d like to do better)
  • Headspace – there’s a ton of mindfulness/meditation apps – but I really rate this one (Andy has a lovely voice!)  It’s got a whole pack on that allusive acceptance.
  • Healthskills for people with pain Blog – by Dr Bronnie Thompson – an NZ occupational therapist and pain educator working out of Otago University
  • Pain toolkit – self-management techniques
  • Dr Hemakumar Devan @HemDevan on Twitter pain researcher & physiotherapist

A quote which Deb loves:
“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and that will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell

Deb’s sign off message:
There’s been lots and lots of times along the way that I haven’t been able to find that joy – but now I make a conscious effort to find it. Working with people like you brings me joy for sure!

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