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There’s so much to learn in order to be able to navigate chronic pain. The psychological side of pain is huge as is the energy required to manage it!

That’s why we need fantastic coaches like Amy Eicher. Certainly what adds to Amy’s ability to help and reach people is her own experience of being lost in the search for diagnosis and finding her own way from there. To add to that, Amy’s education path is a very interesting one – one that totally validates her ability to understand and help people!

Amy and I talk about all the above… and more:

00:39 Amy’s Story
1:41 Pain in the Brain
3:56 From Pain to Education
7:41 Restoring Venus
12:08 The Personal Story
12:55 Pathways
13:53 Pain Management
15:52 Appointments
18:23 Working with Amy
22:05 Pain Coaching
24:27 Strategy
28:10 The Essence of Amy
32:42 Transforming Pain
33:53 Gratitude

Where to find Amy

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Tame Your Low Back Pain – are you ready to get your life back?

Join Amy for her FREE 5 day live workshop and learn the complexities of persisting pain, how you can tame it and get moving again!
This workshop will be held
March 8th-12th 2021
11:00am CST
CAN be seen on replay!


Restoring Venus: A Journey from Chronic Pain to Possibilities

Stories of Hope

Class for clinicians
Changing the Narrative Around Pain is a 14-hour course explicitly designed to expand your current practise through an evidence-based understanding of the biological and chemical changes that occur when one is in chronic pain.