You have all heard so much about Theo and how we have (and continue) to work together through chronic pain. However, you have never really heard from Theo directly nor does the chronic pain world hear or acknowledge the ‘carer’ anywhere near enough.
I thought a chat with Theo – specific to pain management would be insightful and a great way to kick off my video ‘interviews’.
Although couples have various chemistries and approaches to their relationships I thought there may still be something in this chat to help others with the battle of trying to live, love and grow with the ever-present chronic pain beast!
The questions I put to Theo are:
How do you describe chronic pain, Theo?
The way I see it, we both live with chronic pain. Do you want to describe how you manage living with chronic pain?
What’s one of the most helpful things you’ve heard from a professional or found in research to help you manage being the partner of someone living with ongoing pain?
What do you think about the word ‘carer’? Is it appropriate, is there a better descriptor?
Are there any good things that have come out of living with the life impact of pain?
There are many negatives but what are the toughest?
What would you do tomorrow if I woke up after taking a magic fixer potion and pain was no longer in our lives?
We’re not the people we could have been. How often do you think of the ‘mighta’, ‘coulda’, ‘woulda’?
It’s obvious and clear that we manage well – what advice do you have for other couples/families/housemates/friends who live together or who have a very close relationship with someone who has ongoing pain
Aside from the support of our families and friends, what is the key to managing a relationship and a life when an ongoing illness is present and limiting life?
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Absolutely loved this! You guys are honest, and brave and made for each other! And lots of good insight into how a ‘person who cares’ does their job with love.