I feel I’m exercising my brain when I read an article that sparks more thought and leads me on a hunt for more and more information and the process all results in gold! It might not necessarily be what I was looking for but a lovely surprise nevertheless (and some excellent resources).

I had one of these info-journeys last weekend. It began by reading Imagine: The Science of Creativity in The Saturday’s Age (Melbourne 7th April) by Jonah Lehrerare, and coming across this quote: Sleeping is the height of genius by Kierkegaard. It made me think about another possible cure for my issue (I know, very far-fetched but imagine if my brain could be programmed to make me live/dream all the activities my pudendal nerve won’t let me do by night?! Imagine?!). So I went to my favorite, most trusting online resource, no, not Google, Body In Mind and found a great post, People who can’t imagine. Not only did I find more juicy and relevant material there but the post led me to the Gold: www.howtocopewithpain.org, and obviously I don’t have to explain what it’s all about, but here are some quick links. It’s a goodie!
