Pain Management Conference
The 9th Annual International multidisciplinary conference helping clinicians translate pain research into patient centered care.
Rajam Roose is the CEO/Founder and sole organizer of the San Diego Pain Summit, LLC. She was a massage therapist for 16 years and ran a digital marketing consulting business (special skills: social marketing, SEO, & SEM) for massage business owners for five years. Rajam has also published a memoir, Travels With A Road Dog: Hitchhiking Along The Roads Of The Americas, a travel narrative documenting 4.5 years she lived hitchhiking and vagabonding in four countries. She is also a member of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A must- attend conference for any clinician that helps people in a pain. Not only a stunning line up of industry leaders in evidence-based pain management, but networking and community building activities that will enable you to return to your clinic with new knowledge, tools and contacts to do the best for people recovering from the burden of persisting pain.” – Lissanthea Taylor, physical therapist
Mission Statement
The San Diego Pain Summit is on a mission to change how pain is managed and treated in the healthcare industry by organizing conferences and workshops where clinicians can learn up to date pain education and research. The Summit also includes voices representing the patient’s lived experience, which is an integral part of creating person centered care.
Patient Centered Care
The San Diego Pain Summit (SDPS) is committed to helping clinicians learn to shift their focus towards a patient-centered approach to pain management.
Human beings are occupational centered beings – meaning routine daily activities give people a sense of purpose. When experiencing injury and/or pain, this sense of purpose is disrupted, leading to anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and general loss of quality of life.
SDPS conferences and workshops help clinicians from a variety of backgrounds to understand how pain research can be used to guide patient care.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This conference showed me that personhood and relationship are key in healing professions, education, and in the experience of the patient with pain. The experts who presented clearly communicated the complexity of pain but also provide a more complete and integrated approach to help lessen the personal, social, and economic burdens that often come with it.” Marianne Kane, RN, personal trainer
The San Diego Pain Summit conferences and workshops adhere to the guidelines set by the International Association for the Study of Pain’s Curriculum Outline On Pain For Physical Therapy.
Where: Paradise Point Resort, 1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109
When: February 25, 2022 – February 27, 2022
The San Diego Pain Summit is an annual conference to help physical therapists, occupational therapists, manual therapists, and other healthcare practitioners from around the world:
— Improve communication and listening skills with patients and colleagues.
— Recognize and examine clinical biases.
— Confidence to navigate the complexities of patient’s pain experiences.
— Implement patient centered care.
For more information on registration and attending the conference live, virtually or as a person living with chronic pain visit
If you can’t make it, there are options to purchase the Summit recording and/or participate in online workshops – Rajam has you covered!

Go for it (just keep it respectful please!)