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Alexander Technique is a very special kind of physiotherapy. Well, it’s kind of not physiotherapy but rather a guiding formula for your body and mind.

When I was in my first few years of chronic pain, I sought to set up my pain management team on foot as I quickly realised the car was a terrible trauma for me. I found Knowbody Physiotherapy online and discovered that the owner, Maddy Lock was in East Melbourne which was the suburb just next to mine.

Crossing one of Melbourne’s busiest roads (and tram tracks) and into the peaceful streets of East Melbourne with its low rise homes and divine parks, I walked gently to my appointment. Theo would pick me up by car as it was usually difficult to manage the appointment as well as walk back home.

I learned so much from Maddy. I was in the thick of it when I met her – I needed fine-tuning and Alexander Technique helped me find that. I learned how to approach my daily life in a lighter, softer, gentler way and to this day I use all that I learned – like when I’m getting in and out of a car or chair, or climbing stairs or even holding a glass of water.

I’m so grateful to Maddy for not only teaching me so much and persevering when I thought there was no hope but for taking the time all these years later, to chat with me and help me bring you this very special information.

Alexander Technique is very impacting for anyone – you don’t need to be living with a problem to learn it. It’s one of those things that sits in the belly and mind and helps you get through your days. Do it!

In this video we discuss:

1:29 Walking When it Hurts
2:29 Alexander Technique
7:04 On Meditation
8:42 Persistent Discomfort (chronic pain)
10:38 Don’t Stop it, Swap it
13:49 Unknotting Life
20:45 Learning
28:10 Goals
30:02 Being Adaptive
31:47 Guiding Voices
35:17 Stop, adapt… but how?
39:21 Training in Acceptance
43:27 Gratitude & Light
47:26 Maddy’s Impact
54:40 Your Whole
58:29 A Final Message

Here is some information about the Alexander Technique from Maddy Lock

A brief description of the Alexander Technique in relation to chronic pain:-

The Alexander Technique is a set of skills that help you to recognise unnecessary tension in your body. This is followed by learning ways to change this. You will learn practical skills and processes that facilitate positive personal change including ways to sit stand and move with less pain.
The technique is generally taught in a private lesson where the teacher guides the student with gentle guidance manually and clear verbal directions unique to each student’s needs.

Online courses and workshops can be a good introduction to the technique. To attain a lasting change a course of 1 on 1 lessons is recommended for pain management. A course of 6 to 12 weeks can be the most effective way to master the skills required for this.

My Profile:-

I have worked as a physiotherapist in the hospital setting, in private practice and in age care. Following completing my postgraduate degree in sports medicine I sustained a repetitive injury to my left arm and left side of my neck. Following this I needed to take a different path to find relief for my chronic pain and disability I studied Pilates, Ergonomics and Occupational Rehabilitation and the three year training to be an Alexander teacher. These new skills were beneficial to my management of pain and postural challenges. I have enjoyed combining my various skills to give clients a holistic approach to pain relief and improvement in their physical potential.

I offer home and worksite visits, workshops at various locations and one-on-one lessons in North Fitzroy Victoria. I am currently writing an e book and audiobook on “Walking when it hurts”. My decision to write this came from requests from participants of my workshops.

Due to learning the Alexander technique I am living a very fulfilling life. I have been able to walk many Camino trails in Europe, to dance, to meditate and enjoy travel. These activities were impossible for me without learning valuable skills in moving with awareness and ease. I have a fulfilling life that is also peaceful and happy. I enjoy working with others who wish to achieve their potential by finding out what they can do to benefit themselves and others on a sustainable basis.

Contact Maddy

I am happy for interested followers to contact me with any questions and more information about the Alexander Technique by email: