
Another year gone by since the pop! Now I know what practitioners mean about peeling onion layers. My onion layers have gone something like this:

  1. Removal of pelvic thickened ligament
  2. Peripheral stimulation device implant
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Nerve blocks
  5. Medication
  6. … Could it be my Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Now the questions continue… how many layers are there to my onion? Is there permanent damage? How many nerve blocks and general anaesthetics will I need, will I get full independence back?… oh and on and on it goes in my head.

Certainly there is a very significant difference that comes with each of the layers removal and although small they stick. Eg I can stand barefoot for a little while, I can sit a little longer, I’m able to sustain a short walk most days, a little more lifting etc… Not huge abilities in comparison to a fully abled body but certainly huge for me, and let’s not forget the pain level reduction (heaven!). Huge in hope, huge that I can affect the issue and encourage change.

AND it could always be worse… I could have been dealt a bag of onions!