When I wrote to our minister and explained my frustration, in particular with the dumping of my medical expense support for the very treatments that I believe will finally get me back to work, he addressed the matter by having the Victorian WorkCover Authority (the very system causing the problem), investigate the matter.
The letter ended with:
As this matter is currently going through the dispute resolution process provided by the Act, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the specifics of your claim.
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and I hope this information clarifies the matter for you.”
But, the Hon Gordon Rich-Phillips was grateful that I took the matter to him, (you can’t imagine what a difference this makes for me). He did look in to the matter within its glorious limits, he took note, he responded and stated everything I already knew. Brilliant!!
And you know the biggest irony… was that my email to Hon Gordon Rich-Phillips was sent October 12 and my reply arrived on the 7th of December… just as I arrived home from hospital having had two cortisone shots in my sacroiliac joints and two pudendal nerve blocks that once again, my wonderful private health insurer covered for me!
Hello? I mean, really? Pleeeeaaaaseee, are the WorkCover Gods shi…..ing me here?
Of course I didn’t leave it there, I replied:
Dear Hon Gordon Rich-Phillips,
I’m writing in response to your reply letter about my email and WorkCover issues. I won’t continue with the issue after this, but I felt I had to respond to a pretty poor reply.
There was never any point in going to the very system I was complaining about and asking about my case, I know all the details you outlined. I can honestly say I know the system better than you probably do. What upsets me most though is that I am labelled with a ‘complex case’. Its made complex by the WorkCover system, and not my actual condition (chasing our tails now aren’t we?) and that’s what the point of my letter was. Quite clearly, I fell and have pelvic chronic pain, and have had and am continuing to have, treatment for it. In fact it was ironic your letter arrived on the afternoon of my return from hospital (2 cortisone shots and 2 nerve blocks in the pelvic area).
In any case, you have clarified my vision of the system: it suits our Government when an injured worker, possibly unable to ever return to work (and pay their taxes), gives up fighting for their entitlements. The case becomes ‘complex’ but really the complexity is derived from the loopholes WorkSafe agents have to escape their responsibilities. As they probably will with me.
Just one more thing. As I mentioned in the first email I am putting a website together outlining my experience with my accident, treatment, and as an Australian injured worker. I just want to let you know I will be including our correspondence with a link to your web page. As you mentioned, I think its important that any matters such as these are brought to your attention.
Soula Mantalvanos
I cannot thank you enough for publishing Mr G Rich-Phillips’ letter! His reply to your pleas for help couldn’t be vaguer. Again, this shows the REALITY of our workcover system and that nobody gives a sh*t about an injured worker who is being ill-treated and screwed over by workcover insurance companies. I sincerely hope that your courage will in turn encourage other injured workers to raise their voices and to publicly share their stories. Without REAL stories, backed up with REAL evidence, not a rat would “believe” us.
Thanks again
WC Victim
Thanks for that support WC Victim. I have more, much more to tell… it’s been five years in this system. For me, my most disgust lies with the way the system takes advantage of people’s incapacity and ill health to make its money. If the system was structured on listening, learning, researching, if it used caring and professional practitioners, etc etc (the list is obviously huge here) so many of us might actually be back at work.
Cheers, stay tuned!