…is that most employees and associates (practitioners included) I’ve met through the WorkCover system have a rude assuming attitude. They never treat me like I want my life back, that I want to be healthy, working and able again. I truly think WorkSafe agents are convinced this payroll is actually attractive (that’s my favorite!), that their practitioners (who agree to consult without having to advise patients at the end of a visit) are better for me than my own. They never stop to think that an injured worker hates to have to tell their friends and family they are relying on the system’s ‘support’, that I might be in pain all day every day, they never speak to me like I’m a human being. And, they keep insisting that there are many Australian workers that want to be ‘on the system‘, or as put especially for me, ‘how many Australian’s want to shut their businesses down and live off the Government’s money‘.
I wonder where this comes from, are the WorkSafe agent employees trained to think that anyone on their payroll is dodgy? It certainly might explain why no one is compassionate, no one is empathetic, no one seems to understand, no one can answer a question appropriately, no one can make things happen for you, no one is interested (staff are here today gone tomorrow), all you get is lies, lies, lies or no answer, irrelevant treatment and judgement.
Are there Australian workers out there really happy to be home and on the Government payroll? If so, how many, and can we have these stats (actually everyone ‘on the system’ must be assumed shonky, otherwise our doctor’s opinions would be valid).
My, not-so-funny point is, I’m appalled that the system treats me this way and my case can’t be addressed appropriately and relative to my endless efforts to restore my health and get back to work. Rather, it seems to aim to make it difficult so that I’m pushed to give up my entitlements, or sadly, and more damaging still, remain wrapped up in the endless battles for the support I’m entitled too.
Not so funny really…
Go for it (just keep it respectful please!)