But I’m sure it’ll all pan out ok.
So much for looking after myself and preparing for potential weight gain as I approach my half decade milestone.
The weight I’ve lost has potentially caused a shift in the position of my implants.
Things are quite bumpy but I’m making plans. Plans to escape and find inspiration in the event I need some adjustment surgery.
I’ll keep you guys posted. But for now, here’s a little entertainment… Soula style.

This must be so frustrating for you given all that you have already been through. I hope it all works out well in the end. xxx
I am VERY interested in your outcome. I have two implants one in my upper left buttock and one in my right since 2015. The leads are positioned by the pudendal nerves instead of the sacral nerves and I have found it helpful. I have bilateral pudendal neuralgia and interstital cystitis. This past year I have lost 25 pounds and recently I have begun experiencing pain over my left implant and it does feel like it moves around a bit. My doctor lives 6 hours away and as you know driving is one of the worse pain triggers so I have only communicated by email with him and not been evaulated in person yet. But he suspects the weight loss has likely caused a revision to be necessary, but doesn’t advise doing anything until I am done losing weight. I am at a healthy weight now, but am waiting to see if my weight levels out before I move forward. It’s so ironic to have gotten this today. You are one of the first people I discovered with PN after I was diagnosed with it and I have been googling this weekend trying to find someone with this weight loss/implant migration issue this weekend and now here you are! I wish it werent so, but please keep us posted on your journey.
Hi Roxie,
The timing! I will certainly keep posting. This is what the site is all about. I’ve lost a couple of kilos only but I am at a very transitional life point so all factors may be contributing.
Thanks for sharing your experience too, it really helps!