April 17, 2014 (shared post from Theo to Soula’s Chronic Pelvic Pain Story Facebook page)

This SICK system has to be stopped…Soula Theo Walking Combi InvestigationSoula Theo Walking Combi Investigation
This makes me sick….!Ever been filmed when you didn’t know it? These are a couple of stills of surveillance footage from a WorkSafe Victoria agent (who I can’t mention… but there are only a few – from 2012 mind you) attempting to catch out Soula.Guess what WorkSafe Victoria agent??? Soula can walk!!! She never said she couldn’t.

This is very poor, extremely disgusting and a waste of time. The WorkSafe Victoria agent is trying so hard to make our life a misery but it’s only making us fight harder.

Anyway…., at least our dog Zephyr looks good in the clip!

April 16, 2014

I got some mail today. Theo had to carry and open it, the pile of papers were too heavy to lift!ConciliationMail-04

It’s astounding the levels the WorkSafe Agent will stoop too (which are the levels WorkSafe obviously set) in order to avoid their responsibility with my WorkCover claim. I’m going to keep up with this documenting as I want to encourage other injured workers to fight these pathetic insurer circus acts. It’s unacceptable, not to mention, not what my WorkCover premium was paid for. Where’s my ‘quality income protection’, where is my return to work help, and where is my income and medical financial help?

This is what the conciliation process looks like and for those of you who missed the full story read about it here. The conciliator assigned to my conference on May 13, has so kindly taken the time to photocopy and send me the copies of what the WorkSafe Agent has sent through in support of their case to reject my part payments and medical reimbursements. I’d like you all to give me your opinion actually. The shots below include copies of the public information I’ve posted about The Design Files media Theo and I had, my Doug Moran Semi Finalist entry, my drawings of Lynn, other artwork etc… I know the insurer is showing great faith in my art career and somehow trying to state I’m actually making some kind of wage from my art (how lovely of them to do so), but I’m wondering what the insurer is trying to say by posting images of my home? Clearly not including the info as a positive information, so why is that in here? Is an injured worker meant to have a certain appearance/home, are they not allowed media… I’m a bit confused?

ConciliationMail-03What is most disgusting though, is that this is acceptable behaviour and fitting with Victoria’s WorkSafe Legislation, and that in the process of this circus act, I have to withstand no payment, for what is now, 14 months while attempting to return to work.

I don’t know about you, but all I can see are ruthless attempts to block my paths to work rather than encouraging them (and that I have a really nice place!). Isn’t this system about getting injured workers back to work, and yet now that I’m finally able to try, it’s cutting down my every attempt. I’m sorry but what am I missing here?

I won’t be intimidated by this circus, I’ve been through it before with income protection. The more the insurer and this WorkSafe system ramp up their acts, the louder my voice is going to get. I would really appreciate you joining in too by sharing my post. Conciliation Mail-01 ConciliationMail-02