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Presenting My Pain Management Story and Vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training

2022-11-26T20:58:48+11:00December 3rd, 2021|Advocacy, Blog, Events, My Health Story|

It was wonderful sharing my story and vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training. AND especially presenting on a stage and in actual physical life to 50 general practitioners (GPs) who were keen to learn about chronic pain. I've [...]

Presenting at the Murray City Country Coast GP Training Event

2022-11-26T20:58:48+11:00November 26th, 2021|Advocacy, Events, Learn, Professional Resources|

There are no formal qualifications for someone living with chronic pain but patients are considered 'patient experts' and our lived experience is very much valued. I've been invited to several seminars and training sessions relating to chronic pain over the course of my 14-year experience. It's of great significance for me to be able to use the lived experience – no other value for it really!

Presentation: An Approach to Chronic Non-Cancer Pain

2022-11-26T20:58:48+11:00December 29th, 2020|Advocacy, Learn, Personal resources|

In November this year, I was invited to present my pain experience to a group of 40 GP's. The topic was: An Approach to Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and the workshop was facilitated by Dr Paul Grinzi for Murray City Country Coast GP Training. Where does one start when asked to present to 40 pain interested GP's in 20 minutes? There's a great emoji to illustrate the look on my face when I ponder this question. You can well imagine. As an 'expert' in my 'field' 20 minutes to describe 13 years of living with chronic pain of which 4.5 years were spent lost in a forest is still a tough gig. However, this was a presentation to medical professionals. And they know everything, right? .... I've decided to make this video a paid resource. All proceeds go towards funding this website and PainTrain – My Health Summary. What do I talk about in my video? — O:43 My story — 2:50 Investigating pain, research & treatment — 4:26 Diagnosis — 5:55 Advocacy — 7:45 The experience of pain — 8:27 Medication — 9:35 Characteristics of Pain — 10:55 Planning life with chronic pain — 12:09 Pain management — 13:50 PainTrain

It’s National Pain Week And I’m Celebrating by Writing the End of this Story

2023-07-24T10:35:43+10:00July 24th, 2023|Advocacy, Blog, Online|

Every year I think something amazing will happen during National Pain Week. But every year, nothing amazing ever does. We all wait for answers, but either the answers don't come, or they prove more tiresome. Worst of all, the answers are a direction to a lonely zone – the figure-it-out-yourself zone! So, figure it out myself; I will this year! I'm making National Pain Week AMAZING by writing the end of this story. 

My Health Story Now Live in Your App Store

2022-11-26T20:58:47+11:00June 9th, 2022|Help, My Health Story, Professional|

I, Soula, the way I live and the type of person I am, and my story were fundamental to appointments and essential to my treatment. In addition, I realised my health experience was unique and needed to be understood. Professionals are understanding this a lot more now. On educational health networks, I see this 'tip' all the time now: People with invisible illnesses are more than their diseases And on professional forums, I read how lost practitioners are as to how to help people living with ongoing illnesses (which also explains why so many of us are enduring long-term illnesses!). So are you ready to navigate? Are you ready to put your unique experience forward and be better understood? Then, your story is the most essential part of this change. And if you need some guidance, I'm happy to zoom in if you need online training sessions, or you can email me a 'how do I...' question, and I'll film the answer for you.

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