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It’s Official! It’s ok to Treat Injured Workers Immorally and Unethically

2023-01-24T16:12:26+11:00December 7th, 2019|Workcover|

No one within the system has fear of prosecution - not even a fear of a single penalty! No one within the system has been or will be called to explain their actions and held to account. This makes my blood boil! I haven't even heard the support will be returned to workers who were delivered unfair decisions and had to walk away from their support. But I want my money back! Where are my years of wages after having a decision overturned unfairly at the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS) by the Agent? And the rest...?

Insurer Request: Your Full Clinical File Please!

2023-01-24T16:12:27+11:00June 30th, 2019|Workcover|

If you dress well - this system assumes you couldn't possibly have a health issue. If you speak well, there's no way you have suffered trauma. If you manage to stay alive through your darkest moments, they assume you can forfeit your compensation. When you are honest and remain transparent, they only abuse your information.

Yet Another Comedy of Errors, Acts I & II

2023-01-24T16:12:31+11:00May 8th, 2014|Workcover|

Prologue: This is not really a comedy but without a sense of humour and the odd injection of sarcasm this injured worker would explode from the frustration and disappointment that being in this system has created. I am heading back to conciliation on May 13 to battle for part-payments of compensation since declaring in December 2012 that I have a limited capacity for part-time work. I am also disputing my WorkSafe authorized Agent’s refusal to pay any of my medical expenses over the last 2-3 years. Acts 1 and 2 can now be written but Act 3 will have to await the outcome of the conciliation conference. But as you will see, the outcome could well provide the comic highlight of the performance. You in the audience may laugh, clap or cry as you read my sad little play.

No Partridge in a Pear Tree to be Found, I’m Preparing for Conciliation… Again!

2023-01-24T16:12:31+11:00April 9th, 2014|Blog, Workcover|

(Sing with me, to the tune of 'The 12 Days of Christmas'': 16 points of stimulation, multiple case managers, too many Independent* Medical Examinations, 9 anaesthetics, Several investigations, wasted complaints to WorkSafe, Four conciliation applications, Three operations, Two Medical Panel Opinions, One Impairment Assessment, and, no Partridge in a Pear Tree to be found...

Expired and fallen through the cracks

2023-01-24T16:11:09+11:00June 27th, 2012|Workcover|

After a few battles regarding my massage treatments, peripheral stimulation implant and finally receiving a letter form my WorkSafe agent stating I would no longer be receiving medical reimbursements/support, I began a hunt for a deserving explanation... But back to my main point, the answer I was seeking. I called the contact the Hon Gordon Rich-Phillips advised and it led to a conversation with my WorkSafe Agent's Injury Management Advisor (IMA) and for once, I seemed to be having an open and honest conversation with a WorkSafe Agent employee. It's hard to say it was honest because this system has taught me not to trust anyone, sadly. It felt like a great relief to be speaking to an educated, intelligent, experienced and capable person... I didn't get invalid and poor excuses or worse still, lies. Every point I made was dealt with and the conversation was about me, my case and my specific issues... ...the grand finale was that the IMA was going to answer why my medical expenses support had ceased?

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