Can’t say I’m feeling festive. But my treatment glitch is no excuse to put a damper on everyone else’s holiday season.

I love seeing people happy and having a great time. And that’s what I’ll be doing as Queenscliff fills with happy people who have sand between their toes and ice-cream on their tongues (not in the gallery of course!).

I’m going to ride their wave. And lap up the sanctuary of my new studio – personal sanctuary is key to management!

In my efforts to stay positive I shot this crazy little video in my studio just before I was going in for my spinal stim trial (which I’ll fill you in on once I’m done with the permanent implant – yes it was a successful trial).

This is an appropriate, happy little video that I hope will distract your brain’s pain comms… even for a few seconds.

Thank you again for following, for buying my book, for your feedback about PainTrain and for the wonderful comments you share – not just for me, but for the community.

Every comment you make about your experience helps others.

This site was always, and will continue to be focused on pain management and pain education – not personal accounts of pain levels… we all know what they’re like!).

Signing off for 2018 now.

May 2019 bring us all the pain relief we need!

Mwa, mwa