It was wonderful sharing my story and vision at the Murray City Coast Country GP Training. AND especially presenting on a stage and in actual physical life to 50 general practitioners (GPs) who were keen to learn about chronic pain.

I’ve now participated in a few of the Murray City Coast Country (MCCC) GP Training sessions with the fabulous Dr Paul Grinzi (boy, does he get it!). 

It’s a positive experience for so many reasons. Firstly, the patient experience incorporated into GP training is great for obvious reasons as nothing beats learning from the lived experience. But I feel even more valued as my professional advocacy was paid for, AND I received all the support I needed to participate.

Theo and I were able to stay just steps away from the venue, Mooney Valley Racecourse. I had a great night’s sleep before an early presentation. I had no concerns that I would be in pain from sitting through a long drive. And all these considerations appeared to be a no-brainer for MCCC.

In my 20 minute presentation, I cover my story, my pain management and then end the presentation with my ultimate vision for pain management – how I think people and their pain teams need to manage chronic pain.

Thank you, MCCC and Dr Paul Grinzi, for your efforts to provide education for this ongoing and complex health issue.